Father Patrick Mugavin — my parish priest! — is presently in Alfaro, in northern Spain. Alfaro, La Rioja, coincidentally, is about the same size as Hamilton, Victoria.
Fr Paddy is joining twenty others for the inaugural Australian effort at the Camino Ignaciano, or Ignatian Camino.
“The” Camino, you might already know, is the Camino de Santiago, one of Christianity’s oldest and most famous pilgrimages. Every year, tens of thousands of pilgrims make the journey to Spain’s Santiago de Compostela, where St James the Apostle is buried.

From Loyola to Manresa
The Ignatian Camino is a much newer pilgrimage, which retraces St Ignatius Loyola’s journey, just after his famous conversion, from his family home in Loyola to the Catalan city of Manresa, where he composed his Spiritual Exercises.
Fr Michael Smith SJ is leading an Australian walk of the Camino, which is scheduled to take 25 days, plus three rest days. Fr Michael is blogging about the experience at www.ignatiancamino.com, where he posted the following Hollywood-esque trailer. (It’s amazing what you can get up to on a transcontinental flight!)
Fr Paddy is blogging too, at theunholypilgrim.blogspot.com. I helped him set up his blog, and I think I might have suggested the blog title. But I’m quick to echo Fr Michael’s claim: “May I say that Paddy is the complete antithesis of unholy!”
Fr Michael posts short videos and theological reflections on his blog. Fr Paddy posts lots of photos and a general narrative, though he includes theological reflections too. They’re both worth browsing.
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